
Medicare Options:

You may opt-out of PIP coverage if:

  1. You are enrolled in Parts A and B of Medicare; and
  2. Spouse and all resident relatives are enrolled in or have one of the following:
    • Medicare Parts A and B
    • Qualified Health Coverage
    • Coverage for Allowable Expense from another Michigan Auto Policy

To opt-out, you will have to prove the above statements are true and provide a Signed Selection Form - carriers will require this at every renewal.

Medicaid Options:

You can select $50,000 of protection if:

  1. You are enrolled in Medicaid; and
  2. Spouse and all resident relatives are enrolled in or have one of the following:
    •  Medicaid
    • Qualified Health Coverage
    • Coverage for Allowable Expense from another Michigan Auto Policy

To select $50,000, you will have to prove the above statements are true and provide a Signed Selection Form - carriers will require this at every renewal.
